Dental Bridges in Concord, MA

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Are you looking for a way to replace a missing tooth that can be done in less time than the typical multi-month time requirement needed for a dental implant? If so, the dental care team at Concord Woods Dental Group has the solution: a dental bridge from our dentist near you! Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of a dental bridge in Concord, MA as we answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the procedure.

What are the advantages of a dental bridge from a dentist near me?

Similar to the advantages that a dental implant provides, a dental bridge from our Concord, MA dentist restores the appearance and functionality of your smile by replacing a missing tooth with a prosthetic tooth.

How does a dental bridge restore the functionality of my smile?

By filling in the gap that was left by your missing tooth, the dental bridge prevents your remaining teeth from shifting out of place.

Why do I need to worry about my teeth shifting?

When your teeth shift out of place it creates spacing and gap issues where food and bacteria can become trapped. Not only is this uncomfortable for you, but it creates an increased risk for gum disease and additional tooth loss.

Will a dental bridge maintain my facial bone structure and prevent the “sunken” look?

Yes! When you have a gap in your smile you also lose bone structure over time. Instead of having to worry about what your face will look like in years to come, a dental bridge from our dentist can erase that concern – while also giving you a beautiful smile.

How many appointments will it take to receive my dental bridge from Concord Woods Dental Group?

Your smile can be improved with a dental bridge from our dentist in as little as two appointments.

What else do I need to know about dental bridges in Concord, MA?

Our dentist will answer all of your questions and present the pros and cons for each tooth replacement option available – dental implants, dental bridges, and partial dentures – when you visit our office for a consultation and treatment plan. Use our convenient online booking tool to get started today.

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