Invisalign®️ in Concord, MA

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Are you unhappy or dissatisfied with the way your teeth look? Would you like to transform your smile discreetly? If yes, we welcome you to try Invisalign®️ in Concord, MA. Invisalign is a leading orthodontic treatment that utilizes clear aligner trays to give patients their desired smiles.

Invisalign®️ aligners provide an alternative to traditional metal braces and are ideal for individuals who don’t wish to draw attention to their orthodontic treatment. To complete Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to show commitment to the process by following all guidelines as well as working closely with our dentist in Concord, MA.

The Treatment Process

The Invisalign®️ treatment process begins with a consultation with Dr. Mohammad Mourad, a certified Invisalign provider. During your visit, Dr. Mourad will comprehensively evaluate you to determine whether you’re the right candidate for Invisalign in Concord, MA.

Invisalign®️ is an excellent orthodontic choice for teens and adults who are struggling with mild to moderate cases of crooked teeth. For severe misalignment, you may need traditional metal braces.

After evaluation, we will take some digital impressions. These are shared with the Invisalign team, which embarks on creating a set of custom trays that you’ll wear progressively over several weeks. You should change your trays every two weeks. Each tray will fit differently from the previous, as the goal is to push your teeth to the preferred positions gently. You should keep your aligners on for at least 22 hours every day.

Benefits of Invisalign®️

Interested in Invisalign®️ near you? Here are some advantages of these clear aligners that you should keep in mind:

  • Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. Nobody can tell you’re wearing them when you’re talking or smiling.
  • Invisalign aligners are removable. You can remove the clear aligners when eating, brushing, and flossing and for special occasions.
  • In some cases, Invisalign allows for faster treatment compared to traditional braces.
  • With Invisalign, you’ll need to make fewer trips to the dentist. Metal braces require more frequent visits for adjustments.
  • Invisalign aligners move teeth more slowly compared to traditional braces, leading to increased comfort.

Contact Concord Woods Dental Group if you’re looking for a dentist near you who can be your trusted partner during your Invisalign treatment.

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